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Romanian, Iraqi presidents discuss economic co-operation


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BAGDHAD, Iraq -- President Jalal Talabani met with Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu on Wednesday (9 August) and discussed economic and trade co-operation. According to Talabani, Romanian companies are welcome to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq. Basescu cited infrastructure projects such as electricity grids, railways and refineries. After the meeting, he reiterated that Romanian troops serving as part of the international peacekeeping mission in Iraq would withdraw only at Baghdad's request. Later, he visited the contingent deployed at a military base near Nasiriyah. On Thursday, Basescu was due to visit Kabul for talks with Afghani President Hamid Karzai and others. (Gardianul, Mediafax - 10/08/06; Rompres, Mediafax - 09/08/06)

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