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Plutonomy is not good for Business

Guest Tea Party Patriot

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Guest Tea Party Patriot

To have a truly FREE Market Economy the rules have to be fair for everyone to prosper.


In Plutonomy, the elite organizations get the advantage over small business.


At this point of history our government favors the wealthy.


The wealthy control the media and many government officials.


This election cycle voters will be bombarded with misinformation coming from all sides. It will be difficult to find the truth.


The only way to counter this is see who is making campaign contributions to the candidate you are interested in. What is your candidate's voting record. And read the fine print of campaign promises.

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What Does Plutonomy Mean?


Economic growth that is powered and consumed by the wealthiest upper class of society. Plutonomy refers to a society where the majority of the wealth is controlled by an ever-shrinking minority; as such, the economic growth of that society becomes dependent on the fortunes of that same wealthy minority.


Investopedia explains Plutonomy


This buzz word was initially coined by analysts at Citigroup in 2005 to describe the incredible growth of the U.S. economy during that period despite increasing interest rates, commodity prices and an inflated national debt. Citigroup analysts argued that as such an economy continues to grow in the face of contradictory elements, the more important the society's ultra rich become to maintaining such growth. The analysts also believed that in addition to the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and China are also becoming plutonomies


Plutonomy is a good definition to explain why companies that serve the rich posted the biggest profits.

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Things will never change.


A worker wants to come home, talk with the family, eat dinner, watch some entertainment, and go to sleep. They do not care about this.


That is why news has been reformatted to become entertainment. There is not enough people that care who controls the government.


Students and retired individuals are the only ones with time even consider this.


I would like to see the data on viewers of pundit shows. Do they catch only a slice of information and discuss it around the water cooler like sitcom?


That would be a good paper.

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  • 1 month later...

Tear it all down and start from scratch:


(ONE PARAGRAPH FOR A REASON. IT'S ALL THE SAME THING) It doesn't matter who you vote in, how honest or well intended they are. The system is so big that it can not be controlled. Those that have snuck in laws in bills that are to large to read use these hidden laws for their agendas. Even well meaning politicians at first are sucked into the system that promotes getting reelected over principle. When was the last time you dealt with a government agency. A BRICK WALL. One hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing. Socialism has failed and/or is suffering providing a lower standard of living where ever it has been or is being applied. We major on minors and minor on majors. We crucify someone with fines, fees and penalties for minor traffic violations, but slap the hands of child molesters, murderers and thieves. Those in prison and illegal aliens can get health care that law abiding citizens can't. Identity theft and loan sharks ruin our credit as to where it really does take a good lawyer to clear up, which leaves us not able to rent in a descent neighborhood or acquire inexpensive auto insurance. We are taxed in the planting. We are taxed in the growing. We are taxed in the packaging. We are taxed in the shipping. We are taxed from the wholesale to the resale, then we are offered a tax deduction that does few of us any good let alone when we need it. When we don't pay our taxes on time we pay penalties. When the Feds or States don't give us our refund checks back on time, we don't get compensated, let alone receive interest for all of the money they withheld from us. We really don't have taxation with representation. Our money is being spent without the ability of well meaning elected representatives to change anything. We need to TEAR IT DOWN AND START FROM SCRATCH!!! Let's take our original Constitution and only add the freedoms that we have given black Americans (NOT AFRICAN AMERICANS), which applies to all races and also make sure that women can vote. Yes, I am sure there are a FEW (VERY FEW) other items that need to be included. We used to be a free country, but now the common man can not afford a patten for their invention. The common man struggles to be able to open a hot dog stand with all of the permits, insurance, etc... they have to acquire. Yes, this means local governments as well. Cities and States are forced to follow idiot federal guidelines or face getting cut off!!! If all of these government entities would keep their hands out of our pockets in the first place, then maybe we wouldn't need a government loan or grant to pay for our schooling or business. Or maybe we wouldn't have to worry about laws that are currently being pushed in congress that tell us what kind of vegetables and fruits we can grow in our own back yards. What about the false notion that we actually own our own land now. Properties are being seized to line the pockets of buddy's to build malls, subdivisions and other should be private businesses. ENOUGH!!!! It can't be fixed. The size of the problem is toooooooooo immense. How much federal debt is there really now? Currently, 46 cents out of every dollar that the U.S. Government spends is borrowed money. Do you know about compound interest. Do the math. In the next few years, even the current administration's experts, tell us that we will spend more on paying debt interest (not principle) that in health care. They say that next year the U.S. debt will rise to 14 trillion dollars, BUT it's NOT TRUE!!! The lowest estimate of our debts and COMMITTED RESPONSIBILITIES IS OVER 53 TRILLION DOLLARS WHILE MANY EXPERTS CALL IT HIGHER AT 70,80 OR EVEN 90 TRILLION DOLLARS. THIS IS MORE THAT THE TOTAL WORLD ECONOMY. The current government CANNOT BE SUSTAINED. What is the result? We are not even mentioning that the current administration, yes administration, has printed more money in the past year and a half than our country has printed in total since it's birth. IT CAN NOT BE SUSTAINED. Don't take my word for any of this. Do some half way decent research on your own. I haven't even come close to the insurmountable issues that apply. God bless the Tea Partiers, but they just don't get it. IT CAN'T BE REPAIRED!!! IT NEEDS TO BE REBORN!!! GOD BLESS AND HELP US ALL IF WE REPENT, BIG KITCHEN

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does the Corporation supercede the State? Yes, No, on most occasions.


Does the Corporation supercede the Citizens? Yes, No, on most occasions.


If you answered yes, or on most occasions, then you do not live in a Democracy.


In a perfect world the State should only serve its citizens.


Currently, our State serves the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, and Central Banks around the globe.


At this point, the Citizens of America would like to be taken care of before the money lenders.


It is apparent, that Financial Institutions are hoarding treasury dollars and investing in other countries.


The Federal Reserve needs to balance the lending rates in favor of American Community Banks over International Banks.


The Treasury needs to prioritize getting American Citizens to buy Renew America Bonds that are government that can be purchased though the United States Mint instead of conceding power to Foreign Debt Holders.


The American Citizen has a role in this. Buy and market "Made in America" goods.


Just my thought of the day. There may be flaws in my argument, but I hope not.

Edited by Luke_Wilbur
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A new mental disorder is coming to the DSM-IV. It is similar to Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy. It is called Barack Obama Syndrome By Proxy. Munchausen By Proxy is a psychological illness where the insane person inflicts suffering on the people under the crazy person's care to prolong the symptoms of an illness. In Barack Obama By Proxy, people, typically of the left or media, but I repeat myself, keep pushing for failed policies of the last hundred years perpetuating high unemployment, high deficits, and out of control spending on the American people.


Erick Erickson

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Guest T. Wilson

Only citizens' understanding of and commitment to law can possibly reverse the patent disregard for the Constitution and statutes that has permeated American life. Unfortunately, it is easier for anyone who dislikes a court's or an official's unlawful act to counter it with another unlawful one than to draw all parties back to the foundation of truth.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest Warren in Georgetown

Read Robert Reich new book, "Aftershock". The economic recession we are in is a structural problem rooted in an economy where wealth is as unequal as any time since in the great depression. That inequality leaves us susceptible to the dollar and debt bubble bursting.


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  • 6 months later...

Read "The Limping Middle Class" by Robert Reich. His quote on what happens when the Middle Class deteriorates is right on the mark:


Look back over the last hundred years and you’ll see the pattern. During periods when the very rich took home a much smaller proportion of total income — as in the Great Prosperity between 1947 and 1977 — the nation as a whole grew faster and median wages surged. We created a virtuous cycle in which an ever growing middle class had the ability to consume more goods and services, which created more and better jobs, thereby stoking demand. The rising tide did in fact lift all boats.


During periods when the very rich took home a larger proportion — as between 1918 and 1933, and in the Great Regression from 1981 to the present day — growth slowed, median wages stagnated and we suffered giant downturns. It’s no mere coincidence that over the last century the top earners’ share of the nation’s total income peaked in 1928 and 2007 — the two years just preceding the biggest downturns.



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I think the middle class is waking up. Former Tea Party members have switched sides, because they now realize that the Tea Party is not fighting for the middle class. The Tea Party was invaded by Rupert Murdoch's Fox Tea Party Express for the benefit of protecting the wealthy.


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  • 6 months later...


Senator Sanders says that a handful of people in the top are in the pockets of billionaires who do not want to pay taxes. The top 1% is making more than the bottom 50%.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Larry L

The reason that the destructive conflict exists is that the wealth divide has created an environment of crony capitalism that cannot be ignored anymore and cannot be avoided even by the most scrupulous individuals in America's business pantheon.

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