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The Davidic Lineage—In Ireland!

Guest The Restored Church of God

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Guest The Restored Church of God

About the year 569 B.C., ancient Irish history records that a white-haired patriarch arrived in Ireland with his assistant named “Simon Brach,” accompanied by a Hebrew princess named Tea Tephi. Also, this party included the prince of Ireland, who had been in Jerusalem during the time that the Babylonians took the Jews into captivity. The account included the details that this prince had married Tea Tephi shortly after the fall of Jerusalem. Their 12-year old son accompanied them back to Ireland.


The Irish prince, of Zarah, who married princess Tea Tephi (the first overturn), was given the title of Herremon as he ascended to the throne. The dynasty resulting from this marriage continued unbroken through the kings of Ireland. This lineage was then shifted—overturned (a second time)—and transplanted to Scotland, where it continued unbroken. Later, this same lineage was overturned (a third time) and shifted to England—three overturns (Ezek. 21:27)!


This dynasty exists today—the throne now occupied by Queen Elizabeth II. The three overturns are complete and permanent!


Thus, the marriage of the Zarah prince to Princess Tea Tephi of the Pharez line constituted a healing of the breach. This marriage also established the continuation of The Davidic Covenant and the scepter line, the throne to be taken over by Christ at His Return.


Also, according to ancient Irish history, a patriarch called Ollam Folla (Hebrew: prophet), was accompanied by his scribe called Bruch. Obviously, this was Jeremiah and Baruch. These chronicles of Ireland also record that they brought with them these items: the harp of David, an ark, and a stone called Liafail (meaning the stone of destiny).


History confirms that this stone, called Jacob’s pillar stone, has a rich history not only in ancient Israel, but also after its arrival in Ireland. “History comes to our aid to declare that every King or Queen that has reigned in Ireland, Scotland or England was crowned upon this very same coronation (pillar) stone” (The Lineage of the Scarlet Thread, Lawter, p. 90).


During Queen Victoria’s coronation in 1837, a London Sun article discussed the coronation chair and the interesting stone in the lower compartment beneath it: “Between the seat and this board is enclosed a stone, commonly called Jacob’s, or the fatal marble stone…of a steel color, mixed with some veins of red. History relates that it is the stone whereon the patriarch Jacob laid his head in the plains of Luz.”


This stone is utterly different than stones indigenous to the British Isles. It bears a striking resemblance to certain strata of sandstone in the region of the Dead Sea.


Furthermore, Lawter goes on to explain, “It is a fact that the tomb of Jeremiah is in Ireland and the chronicles of his accomplishment are recorded in the annals of history and can be verified by anyone who is curious enough to dig it out” . He continues: “There are so very many facts, both scriptural and historical, that it is impossible even to scratch the surface, much less list them all”.


Indeed, this is but the tip of history’s iceberg. Much evidence exists beyond what is cited here to verify these ties to ancient Israel.


Examining the history of the single tribe of Dan will reinforce what has been introduced in the preceding chapter and lay more groundwork for what is to follow.





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The Stone of Destiny is an important symbol of Scottish nationhood, and still plays a central role in all British coronations. I actually viewed the "Stone of Destiny" when I was visited Edinburgh Castle. I never read about "The Irish prince, of Zarah"


Jacob's Pillow-Pillar Stone refers to an episode in the Book of Genesis 28:10-18 when the Hebrew patriarch Jacob was running from home after getting the blessing of the first born from his father Isaac (and which his brother Esau also wanted), he came to a place where he rested his head on a stone and then consecrated it after God appeared to him in a dream.


The text of Genesis describes the event as follows:


Jacob left Beer-sheba and headed toward Charan. He came to a familiar place and spent the night there because the sun had already set. Taking some stones, he placed them at his head and lay down to sleep there. He had a vision in a dream. A ladder was standing on the ground, and its top reached up toward heaven. God's angels were going up and down on it. Suddenly he saw God standing over him. [God] said, "I am God, Lord of Abraham your father, and Lord of Isaac. I will give to you and your descendants the land upon which you are lying. Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth. You shall spread out to the west, to the east, to the north, and to the south. All the families on earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. I am with you. I will protect you wherever you go and bring you back to this soil. I will not turn aside from you until I have fully kept this promise to you." Jacob awoke from his sleep. "God is truly in this place," he said, "but I did not know it." He was frightened. "How awe-inspiring this place is!" he exclaimed. "It must be God's temple. It is the gate to heaven!" Jacob got up early in the morning and took the stone that he had placed under his head. He stood it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. He named the place God's Temple (Beth El). The town's original name, however, had been Luz. Jacob made a vow. "If God will be with me," he said, "if He will protect me on the journey that I am taking, if He gives me bread to eat and clothing to wear, and if I return in peace to my father's house, then I will dedicate myself totally to God. Let this stone that I have set up as a pillar become a temple to God. Of all that You give me, I will set aside a tenth to You." (Genesis 28: 10-22)


According to one legend, it was the Coronation Stone of the early Dál Riata Gaels when they lived in Ireland, which they brought with them when settling Caledonia. Another legend holds that the stone was actually the travelling altar used by St Columba in his missionary activities throughout what is now Scotland. Certainly, since the time of Kenneth Mac Alpin, the first King of Scots, at around 847, Scottish monarchs were seated upon the stone during their coronation ceremony. At this time the stone was situated at Scone, a few miles north of Perth.


Another tradition holds that, in gratitude for Irish support at the battle of Bannockburn (1314), Robert the Bruce gave a portion of the stone to Cormac McCarthy, king of Munster. Installed at McCarthy's stronghold, Blarney Castle, it became the Blarney Stone.


A contemporary account by a Walter Hemingford, a canon of Guisborough Priory in Yorkshire says:


Apud Monasterium de Scone positus est lapis pergrandis in ecclesia Dei, juxta manum altare, concavus quidam ad modum rotundae cathedreaie confectus, in quo future reges loco quasi coronatis.


In the monastery of Scone, in the church of God, near to the high altar, is kept a large stone, hollowed out/concave as a round chair, on which their kings were placed for their ordination, according to custom.



Edited by Luke_Wilbur
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Guest Driddle

The Abodah Zarah supplies rules and regulations for carrying out the fundamental scriptural commandments concerning the destruction of idols and all things having to do with idolatry.

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Guest I. Cullimore

Zara Yacob (spelled also Zar'a Ya'aqob or Zar'a Ya'eqob) (1434-1468), 15th century emperor of Abyssinia (now known as Ethiopia). Yacob's name means "The Seed of Jacob"; Zarah (Zara) in Hebrew means the "day's awakening" and is the Aramaic word for "seed."


Let this come to the hands of my beloved, the College of Saints, who reside at Jerusalem, the Holy City.


In the peace of the Lord, Amen.


I do proclaim you very happy for having, in the first place, obeyed the word of God, which saith, 'He that forsaketh not his father and mother, wife and children,' and; for whichreason you have left the world, and have taken upon you the yoke of monkery. The word of the prophet hath likewise bound you, which saith, 'I will not go into the tabernacle of mine house, nor climb up to my bed, neither will I give sleep to mine eyes, nor slumber to mine eyelids, until I find the house of the Lord the habitation of the God of Jacob.' Whereupon you determined to repair to Jerusalem, the city of the Great King, not being discouraged from going thither either by the incommodities of the journey, or the heat by day, or the cold by night, nor by dangers of robbers; whereby, when you arrived, was fulfilled what was said by the prophet of you, 'Let us therefore go into his house, and worship in the place where the face of our Lord stood; for to you is given the kiss the place which his presence hath hallowed from his nativity to his ascension. For which cause I do much rely on your prayers, and on the afflictions your have suffered for God's sake.


I do salute you from the bottom of my heart, saying, Health to you, sons of Ethiopia, whom the earthly Jerusalem hath tied to herself, that she may convey you to heavenly one.


Health be to your faith, which is perfect in the Trinity; and to your course of life, which is like that of angels.


Health be to your feet, which walk; to your hands, which touch; to your lips, which kiss; to your eyes, which do freely behold Galilee, where God was inanimate; and Bethlehem, where he was born; and the cave, where he lay; and Nazereth, where He was educated; and Jordan, where He was baptized, that He might cleanse us; and Corontum, where He fasted for our sake; and Calvery, where He was crucified for our sake; and Golgotha, where He was buried, and rose again, that He might quicken us; His Father and our God, that He might introduce us into the inner vail of the highest heavens, into which He himself entered, and introduced the Apostles, who were before us; and the oratory of Zion, where the Comforter descended on our fathers the Apostles.


Health be likewise to your eyes, which behold the light that commeth out of the sepulchre of our Lord on the old Sabbath, to wit, on the eve of the Passover.


Another famous Zara Yacob, was 17th century Ethiopian philospher born into a farmer's family near Aksum, the capital of the ancient Greek-influenced kingdom in northern Ethiopia. Yacob was educated in the Coptic Christian faith, but he was also familiar with other Christian sects, Islam, Judaism, and Indian religion. A truth seeker, who decided to rely on his own inner voice, Yacob was denounced before King Negus Susenoys (r. 1607-1632), who had turned to the Roman Catholic faith and ordered his subjects to follow his own example. Attempts to change the age-old rituals were met with resistance and tens of thousands were martyred.


Behold, I have begun an inquiry such as has not been attempted before. You can complete what I have begun so that the people of our country will become wise with the help of God and arrive at the science of truth, lest they believe in falsehood, trust in depravity, go from vanity to vanity, that they know the truth and love their brother, lest they quarrel about their empty faith as they have been doing till now. - from The Treatise of Zara Yacob


To the person who seeks it, truth is immediately revealed. Indeed he who investigates with the pure intelligence set by the creator in the heart of each [emphasis is mine] man and scrutinizes the order and laws of creation will discover the truth. It is the creator who placed intelligence or the ability to reason in the human heart. He is arguing that what we call analytical thinking is itself a function of the heart, and that the heart has been incorrectly described as the organ that processes feelings only. Zara Yacob contends that thinking itself is the activity of the heart, and that genuine thinking is passionate, and passion as an expression of feeling, is an integral part of thought. Thought is a passion for truth. The passion for truth takes place inside our hearts, before it is communicated through language. Speaking truth or searching it or meditating about it, is sown in the heart. Truth germinates there, and then it explodes in the form of the passion of speech. Our intelligence tells us to do the right things. God withdraws from our everyday lives once he implants intelligence in our hearts. But He dwells in our actions. He has given us the power with which to live the appropriate life of reason. This reasonable God is always available for direction-only when we consult him through Hassasa (meditation) and Hatata (searching). He gently directs us through examples, not through harsh commandments. He does not tell us what to do. He shows us what we can do, if we use our heart’s intelligence correctly. - Prince Zarah Jacob


ABYSSINIA (officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) is an inland country and former empire of N.E. Africa lying, chiefly, between 5° and 15° N. and 35° and 4 2° E. It is bounded N. by Eritrea (former Italian possession). W. by the former Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, S. by Kenya (former British East Africa), E. Somalia and N.E. Djibouti by the former British, Italian and French possessions in Somaliland and on the Red Sea. Abyssinia is one of the oldest countries in the world and Africa's second-most populous nation. Ethiopia has yielded some of humanity's oldest traces, making the area a primary factor in the origin and developmental history of humanity, with recent studies claiming the vicinity of present-day Addis Ababa as the point from which human beings migrated around the world.


Abyssinia stands like an island in a dried up sea. A vast table land, some ten or twelve thousand feet high above the level of the sea, and having its own system of rivers, its own lakes and watersheds, distinct from thos of all surrounding country. The Abyssinian Nile, or Bahr-al-Azzareek, would be in fact the chief origin of the religion of Ancient Egyptians. in fact the god of their idolatry. River worship is quite popular with the people. As in India, the streams that bestow fertility to the land, and competency to the inhabitants, are made objects of adoration very simular to the ancient inhabitants on the borders of the Nile.

Azzareek is properly two words, azza and aroque, which together signify, "the old red," and, with abi, as assaabi aroque, would signify "the old river of the red," meaning, of course, the red people, as we call the Red Sea from its being among the Assyrians, or red people and as Arabic people call the Mediterranean the White Sea, because it is in the midst of the countries of the whites


The coast lands formerly held by European powers, which cut off Abyssinia from access to the sea, vary in width from 40 to 250 miles. The country approaches nearest to the ocean on its N.E. border, where the frontier is drawn about 40 m. from the coast of the Red Sea. Abyssinia is narrowest in the north, being here 230 m. across from east to west. It broadens out southward to a width of 900 m. along the line of 9° N., and resembles in shape a triangle with its apex to the north. It is divided into Abyssinia proper (i.e. Tigre, Amhara, Gojam, &c.), Shoa, Kaffa and Galla land - all these form a geographical unit - and central Somaliland with Harrar. To the S.W. Abyssinia also includes part of the low country of the Sobat tributary of the Nile. The area of the whole state is about 350,000 sq. m., of which Abyssinian Somaliland covered fully a third.


Having converted during the fourth century AD, Abyssinia is the second-oldest country to have become officially Christian, after Armenia. Abyssinia is a province of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, the Church of Abyssinia is a daughter of the Egyptian Church, and there is nothing to show that the daughter ever really tried to withdraw herself from the maternal jurisdiction. , Christianity was adopted in Abyssinia in the 4th century. About A.D. 330 Frumentius was made first bishop of Ethiopia by Athanasius, patriarch of Alexandria. Cedrenus and Nicephorus err in dating Abyssinian Christianity from Justinian, c. 542.


Today the Abyssinians are governed as they were in the time of St. Athanasius, by a special delegate, who is practically the vicar of the Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria, and is locally known as Abouna, or Abou-Salama, "Father of Peace." He has the sole right, throughout Ethiopia and in perpetuity, of anointing the Negus "King of Kings"; of consecrating bishops, or ordaining priests and deacons, of blessing altar-stones, of superintending theological instruction, and of settling, as a last court of appeal, disputed or difficult questions of dogma, morals, and discipline. The law of Ethiopia demands that the Abouna shall always be a foreigner, an Egyptian, whom the Negus obtains, or rather buys, from the Khedive and the Coptic Patriarch of Cairo, the alleged successor to St. Mark in the See of Alexandria.








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Guest Driddle

I am a British folklore buff. Charan is among a cluster of villages located in Alborz mountain range north of Tehran in Iran.


P.S. I am trying to get a membership to DC Message Boards. I registered.

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Guest Driddle

Terach took his son Abram; his grandson Lot, the son of Haran; and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram. Terach and Abram left Ur of the Kasdites with Lot and Sarai, heading toward Canaan. They left Nachor and Milkah behind in Ur. On the other hand, Terach knew that moving all the way to Canaan would entail espousing monotheism publicly, and he was not ready to do this. So they came as far as the city of Charan in Aram, and settled there.


Josephus refers to the subjects of Chushan, king of Aram Naharaim, as "Assyrians."


Hebrew has a distinct name Ashur for the region of Assyria containing the Tigris. Aram Naharaim lay west of Ashur as it contained Haran. Haran itself lies on the west bank of the Balikh, east of the Upper Euphrates. The traditional Jewish location of Ur Kasdim (at Edessa) and the Balikh itself lie west of the Khabur implying that the second river was understood to be the latter by those maintaining this tradition.

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"Aram Naharayim" as refers to the entire region, including Ur Kasdim.


"lech lecha" refers to Avraham (Abraham) first leaving Ur Kasdim (Aram Naharayim) and then leaving Charan (Aram Nachor),

Avraham's trip to Charan from Ur Kasdim and then from Charan to Canaan are considered the same trip.


However, it is awkward to use a name for the entire region to if that region includes Aram Nachor as well. If the


Most theologians do not consider Ur Kasdim to be part of Aram Naharayim, and it seems difficult to associate the two.


Others say that Aram Naharayim was a separate city just across the river from Aram Nachor; Avraham lived in one while keeping his possessions in the other, and he was commanded

to leave both cities.


the Torah says explicitely that Aram Naharayim was where Nachor lived


The Me'am Loez says that there were actually three commandments; one to leave "his land, his birthplace and his father's house" (i.e. Charan) three years after he got there from Ur Kasdim, the second, when he was 70, to return to Charan to visit his father and family, and the third, five years later, to "leave his father, his land and his birthplace."


The wording indicates that the commandment of "lech lecha" occurred twice, both times in Charan, but years apart.

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Guest Where is the going?

Jewish authorities like Maimonides all concur that Ur Kaśdim or Ur of the Chaldees was in Northern Mesopotamia — now southeastern Turkey (identified with Urkesh, Urartu, Urfa, and Kutha respectively).

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Ur is, in fact, a misnomer. The city was properly called Urima, and later Uriwa. The designation URU before the name of a city is a Sumerian definitive prefix for city, i.e. "city of ..." In Hebrew, the word UR means flame or fire, not city.


The archeologist who excavated at Ebla, Giovanni Pettinato, was interviewed by B.A.R. on his findings in 1980. While he was in general very non-commital about linking any archeological findings to events in the Bible, he was emphatic about the existence of a city UR IN THE TERRRITORY OF HARRAN:


It should be added that since the most ancient Greek form of Edessa was spelled ORRA or ORROA, and since Edessa is indeed 'in the territory of Harran', it is definitely a prime candidate for Ur. Finally, the word 'Kasdim' is etymologically connected to one personal name in Genesis 22:22, Kesed, a nephew of Abraham and son of Nahor. Nahor, with his family, is explicitly mentioned as living in the vicinity of Haran in Aram Naharayim, and one of his descendants via a brother of Kesed is himself called Aram. I think this, and other information in Genesis about the association of the patriarchs in Northern Mesopotamia, tends to place Ur in that region.

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