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Washington DC Message Boards

Illegal" Aliens to Receive Social Security Benefits


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Guest Human_*

We NEED illegal Immigration to off set a stagnant population growth, and with baby boomers retiring?


It is projected that people paying into S.S. will be. For every 2 people in S.S. we "The United States" only have 1 person paying into S.S.


If we didn't have abortion on demand we really wouldn't have this problem right now "The math is simple, and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out".


By the way folks; I like this about as much as I like a root canal WITH OUT ANY ANESTHESIA.



Just don't take away the boys that flip my burgers and pour my drinks.
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Guest Human_*

Raven, My group is not working on all cylinders, but the bright spot is that those here illegally want illegal immigration to stop as well "its called greed".


What I have Finally come to understand is that; We do NEED a system of checks, and balances to keep one side from going to far.


Like there are a few other lessons That I have leaned as well "The hard way". Please note that I'm not posting the other lessons.




Everyone in a way would rather be around with their own ethnicity, but maybe that time should change.


EVERYONE deserves a decent paying job no matter what. It has come down to the ones in power are getting more and those of us who do all the work are getting father and father behind, so it is not just one group that deserves more then the others...... Until there is no more greed sorry but that is what it is.

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There should be a checks and balance system, but when greed is involved that all goes out the window.


I have read some of the horrible stories of the casualties of greed in the back of unventilated trucks or take their money and run. As long as there are greedy people out there that think they can make easy money then it will continue.



Raven, My group is not working on all cylinders, but the bright spot is that those here illegally want illegal immigration to stop as well "its called greed".


What I have Finally come to understand is that; We do NEED a system of checks, and balances to keep one side from going to far.


Like there are a few other lessons That I have leaned as well "The hard way". Please note that I'm not posting the other lessons.


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