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Your scholars criticize your Bible, not the Islamic mentality as you imagine


With historical evidence



It appears after the fall of the Bible and the scandal of its distortion


Christians began to say this is a spiritual book, this is a historical book, This is a book that I don't care about


It is surprising that they know their alleged Lord from this book


They cite the verses of this book on the crucifixion, redemption, and the Trinity, and consider it a reference to them despite its distortion


Even Christian theologians, academics and scholars examine the BibleThey proved its distortion scientifically and historically


And you follow Paul and not this teaching of Christ through your Bible

Paul's words in your Bible,


Therefore, you cannot deny the existence of your book despite its distortion, because it is a reference to you



The Qur'an is not like the Bible



The Qur’an is God’s book, so no one dares to tamper with it


Muslims follow God's words and not their whims like other false religions


Islam is a correction of previous books and it is the last message to all mankind


It is necessary to believe in Islam because it is the religion of all the prophets to worship God (the Father) only


Because every prophet came to his people for a specific period and his message ended


Like Christ, He came for the lost sheep of Israel only




16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

John 10:16


 the fact that Jesus was speaking to a Jewish audience.His ministry was confined to the sheep of Israel.




7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the adoor of the sheep. 8 All that ever came before me aare thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.

John 10:7


 Moreover, if the thieves and robbers included earlier prophets, then surely Jesus would be speaking ill of Moses, Abraham and David and that just wouldn't make sense.




 It's more likely that Jesus was talking about contemporaries. Jesus wasn't the only "teacher" or miracle-working Jew around. There were others. He could have been calling these other teachers and miracle-workers "thieves and robbers."


If Jesus' audience were Jews, he may have been talking about non-Jews/Gentiles.


 must acknowledge that there is one God and turn away from idolatry. Therefore, one way is to become a Muslim.


 The difference between Islam and Christianity is that Islam absolutely forbids paganism while Christianity permits "paganism" . Islam is strict.


Christianity is liberal and lenient.


Christianity now opposes the teachings of Jesus, the previous prophets, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon them

It is permissible in Christianity to drink wine, usury, fornication, gambling and drugs




It is clear that the sect of Christianity who believed Jesus to be a human Prophet and nothing more, and Father is only God were following the true teachings of Jesus. This is because their concept of God is the same as that which was taught by the Prophets in the Old Testament.


Islam is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:


“Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)[4]


Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.


مناظرة بين مسلم وملحد حول سن البلوغ والرشد






نسوة يسألن ش.عثمان بن فاروق عن الإسلام





أمريكية تسأل ش.عثمان: لماذا تقول دائماً عليه الصلاة والسلام كلما ذكرت اسم محمد؟







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مهم لكل مسلم !! ما الذي يمكننا فعله لنصرة أخواننا وأخواتنا في فلسطين؟






اسلمي! شمسي يدعو شابة بريطانية للإسلام لمدة نصف ساعة






إسهام الإسلام في الحضارة الغربية | ش.عثمان بن فاروق في حوار مع نصراني





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The mainstream Islamic view is as follows:


Angels = They always obey God and never disobey Him, because they are free of desires


Humans and Jinn = They have a free will and can decide whether to obey or disobey God and are therefore accountable for their deeds


Prophets [/ Messengers] of God (peace be upon them) = Humans who have been chosen by God [to deliver His message]; they obey God to the best of their abilities and do not knowingly disobey Him.


Satan = He's from the Jinn and due to his arrogance he decided to disobey God and animate others to follow his footsteps in disbelief and disobedience



As for the revelation of the Qur`an, then yes it was upon our noble Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through Jibril (peace be upon him), who is one of the greatest of Angels in status and rank in the sight of the Almighty.


Jinn are basically spirits and they are of two kinds:
Good ones, who believe in God, and evil ones, who disbelieve in Him and are therefore devils.

As for evil being a creation of God: While we do believe that everything is created by God in general and that there is no Creator besides Him in reality, we also believe that He hasn't created things as inherently evil, rather He has given one the choice to do good or to do evil, but commanded good and forbidden evil.
This means that satan was not inherently evil, rather he chose the way of disobedience and disbelief.



القصة الحقيقية لتاريخ البشرية - عبد الرحيم غرين





عبد الرحيم غرين يرد بقوة




قصة اسلام عبدالرحيم جرين How I came to Islam





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Churches violate the commandments of Christ in their teachings, as well as the images, crosses and idols that are inside the churches






many Jews and Christians misinterpret the teachings of the Bible and continue to drive sheep to the slaughterhouse. However, if interpreted correctly and correctly understood, in the current Bible, God forbids drunkenness, immortality, usury, gambling, eating pork, worshiping man, and forbids considering JESUS as God






The doctrine of Christ was pure monotheism, then it began to seep into it from various beliefs - especially the pagan beliefs of the Roman world - which tinged it with the Trinity, so that common traditional Christianity is became Trinity Christianity.






But there still exists today an important and powerful sect among the famous Christian denominations; It is the sect of "Unitarians", and it has become a phenomenon today in the United States, and the saying of Christian Unitarians is summed up in: "There is no god but Allah - Christ is the Messenger of God




Then there is a fact that many of those affiliated with Christ, peace be upon him, overlook, which is that the Christian beliefs inspired by the New Testament meet radically with the old pagan beliefs.


The Trinity, the Incarnation, eternal sin, atonement with salvation, crucifixion, and redemption, the Nicene Creed, the Lord’s Supper (Holy Supper) and baptisms, and ecclesiastical sacraments...


 Christians agree with the pagan nations in the history of celebrating the birth of Christ, peace be upon him.


Dani Vera said: “The worship of the cross is of pagan origin, as they used the cross in magic before Christianity, and these ideas impressed the pagan emperors to support the worshipers of the Trinity.”


God sent the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to correct the previous books and to worship the one God (the Father) only, and that Jesus is the  prophet of God, and this is his true nature like the rest of the prophets



جديد - تخيل انك ممرضة لحظة ولادة يسوع المسيح! - احمد ديدات Ahmed Deedat




الكريسماع عيد وثني! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحية الجزء الأخير





شمسي يرد على التهنئة بالكريسماس





. متى ولد المسيح عيسى عليه السلام ..مفاجاة ماذا قال الشيخ أحمد ديدات









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Prophet Muḥammad's personality was very simple, compassionate and loving towards others. This human aspect did not stem from his abstract human personality, but rather from the fact that he was a human being chosen by Allah to bear the responsibility of prophethood. Allah therefore purified him, taught him and sent him as a mercy to the world.


However, the human aspect of the Prophet – blessings and peace be upon him – is clearly observable in the various situations of his life. We find it in his behavior towards his family members. It has never been reported in Islamic traditions that he was violent towards his family. On the contrary, he devoted part of his time to the service of his family, helping them with the various domestic tasks. In addition, he allowed them to attend Fridays and feasts, and he even held running competitions with them.



The Messenger of Allah loved servants and workers, and treated them well. He recommended to his companions, and to Muslims in general, that they be benevolent towards servants and slaves.


The human aspect of the Prophet was not limited to his entourage, he behaved in the same way with his enemies and on the battlefields.

During his greatest victory, when the Prophet retook Makkah and his Quraysh enemies were defeated and surrendered to him, he entered it humbly, with his head bowed, without vengeance or bloodshed. He granted complete forgiveness to his enemies simply and unconditionally surrendering. Moreover, in his battles, the Prophet advised Muslims not to kill children, women and old people, in this connection, he recommended them thus: "Do not kill an old man, a young child or a woman ".



The tenderness of the Prophet was not limited to humans, but also extended to include animals who are unable to express their pain and needs. He urged his companions to be kind to animals, telling them the story of the man who took pity on a thirsty dog and presented it with water. So Allah forgave him and admitted him to paradise.


A careful examination of the life of the Prophet - blessings and peace be upon him - shows us that he suffered persecution and injustice in Mecca; however, he was not swayed by the cruelty he experienced, and he had no unbridled desire to seek revenge on those who wronged him.


Such is the personality of the Prophet peace be upon him – the human being who changed the face of the world, a simple, merciful and great personality.



هاشم ضد الكنيسة المسيحية/هاشم الجلاد يفحم مبشرين مسيحيين






هاشم الجلاد/الإطاحة بالمبشرين المسيحيين/الجزء الثاني




شاب بريطاني يعتنق الإسلام بعدما اقتنع بحجج محمد علي








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قصة أنسيلم تورميدا و اكتشافه لاسم الرسول في الانجيل






أمريكية تعتنق الإسلام مع الشيخ عثمان بن فاروق






جواب رائع للداعية عبد الرحيم جرين بخصوص عمل المرأة - مترجم







تغير أسلوبه بعد رد الشيخ عثمان بن فاروق عليه








Why did Paul go to Arabia : مترجمة : abdur raheem Green ? لماذا ذهب بولس إلی الجزيرة العربية ۔






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Allah conveyed the message to another Arab prophet to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, for several reasons

Not because the Arabs wanted an Arab prophet, as you claim


The reasons are


Because the Jews corrupted and distorted the Torah, and the Christians also corrupted and distorted the Bible


And because these previous messages were for their people in their time only


And because the nation of Muhammad, peace be upon him, will carry the trust and will follow the guidance of the Qur’an and respect the teachings of God and His Messenger





She was an old woman. Carrying a heavy load on her head heat licking at her sunburned faces. That was no whether to walking fast to an average man. She was gliding on her effort to reach home before sun set.


A young man comes on her way, she could see in his eyes, kind of gentle concern. Asking her if he could help with her load. She readily obliged.


She was a talkative women. Not letting this young man reply, she kept telling him more than an afternoon sun can bear.


They reached her destination, the man helped the woman put away her belongings. The old woman, with a wide smile of gratitude at this stranger’s kindness, turned to him and said,


Thank you now, young man. You’ve really been so kind. That generosity and smile is very rare to find now a days. Let me give you some advice, since you’ve been so very nice to me. There is man called Muhammad has arrived here in our town. He is a magician and he is misleading many asking them to believe in one God. Stay away from Muhammad. Don’t heed his word or emulate his way. If you do, you will never have true peace, and all you will find is trouble.


As the young man listened to her and turned to walk away, she stopped to ask his name before he part and go.


"What is your name", she asked.


And he replied;


“Ana Muhammad” (I am Muhammad)


She then accepted Him and his teachings.


Who was Prophet Muhammad?


A man, as long as you read his critics, will remain in your mind as a liar, magician, war wager and killer etc.


A man, reading his complete life story, makes you fall in love with him (peace be upon him).





الشيخ عبدالرحيم جرين داعية بريطاني ..









امرأة أسلمت بسبب ابتسامة|🎙️الدّاعية حمزة تزورتزس.






نصراني يدعي أن الكتاب المقدس ليس فيه تناقضات ففاجأه ش.عثمان بن فاروق




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The prophets are all Muslims, and they pray like each other , and after the end of the prayer, they ask God

And Jesus did like them, he is a Muslim


When Muslims perform the daily prayer “Salah”, they bow down in prostration to God, displaying their submission to God. They touch the ground with their forehead and the tip of their nose.


Allah says in the Quran,


    O you who have believed, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord and do good – that you may succeed.” [Noble Quran 22:77]


So, what does the Bible have to say?


They (the angels) fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God” [Revelation 7:11]


Going a little farther, he (Jesus) fell with his face to the ground and prayed…” [Matt 26:39]


Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker” [Psalm 95:6]


Manoah and his wife fell with their faces to the ground.” [Judges 13:20]


When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, ‘The LORD–he is God! The LORD–he is God!'” [I Kings 18:39]


So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.” [I Kings 18:42]


Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the LORD.” [2 Chronicles 20:18]


They knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, “He is good; his love endures forever.” [2 Chronicles 7:3]


Ezra praised the LORD, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they bowed down and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground.” [Nehemiah 8:6]


And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped” [Joshua 5:14]


And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.” [Exodus 34:8]


When Abraham’s servant heard their words, he bowed himself to the ground before the LORD.” [Genesis 24:52]

Supplication (Du’a)


When the prayer is over Muslims, raise their heads in “Du’a” thanking God for all the blessings He has given them and asking for forgiveness.


    Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.” [Noble Quran 2:201]


“… when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven.” [I Kings 8:54]


when Jesus had made an end of praying

And Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this on account of the people standing around, that they may believe that you sent me.'” [John 11:41-42]


So, you can see that it’s Islam that correctly continues in the tradition of the earlier prophets. That’s because Islam is not a new religion. Islam, which is an Arabic word meaning submission to the will of God, was the religion of all the prophets and messengers from Muhammad to Jesus to David to Moses to Jacob to Abraham to Noah and all the way back to Adam (peace be upon them all).


All of God’s prophets brought the message of Islam, submission to God and “Tawheed”; the absolute oneness of God. It’s only people who changed it around.


كيف كان المسيح عليه السلام يصلى؟ || ?How Did Jesus (as) Pray




إنجلترا تحتاج الإسلام!! حوار حمزة مع شاب بريطاني محترم






أب وابنه يراجعان أنفسهما بعد حوار رائع وقصير مع عباس





دعوة رائعة لفتاة بريطانية - حوار عمران مع زائرة





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القرآن يذهل العالم ويكشف 10 أسرار تاريخية عن الفراعنة ومصر القديمة لم تُكتشف إلا حديثاً




مُسيئة للحجاب تتلقن درس صعب! هاشم عدنان والشيخ





كيف عرف النبي ذلك؟! - حدث تاريخي مفصل يذكره القرآن بدقة ويفشل الكتاب المقدس في ذكره




مسيحي يعتنق الإسلام بعد أن صحّح الشيخ عثمان له المفاهيم




Edited by eninn
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Allah says in the Quran what means



{Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque of which We have blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.} (Al-Israa' 17:1)



There is no doubt that Al-Isra (the night journey) followed by Al-Miraj (the heavenly ascension) was one of the miracles in the life of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). According to the most accepted view, it happened on the 27th of Rajab, the seventh month of the Hijri calendar, in the tenth year of Muhammad's prophethood.


It is reported in Hadith literature, that the Messenger of Allah was carried from the Sacred Mosque in Makkah to the "Farthest Mosque" (Al-Masjid al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem on a creature called Al-Buraq in the company of the archangel Gabriel (peace be upon him). There he led a congregational prayer of the prophets of God.



Then Gabriel took him to the heavens where he met the prophets Adam, John, Jesus, Idris, Aaron and Moses (peace be on them all). In the seventh heaven, he met Abraham (peace be on him).


He was then brought to the Divine Presence. The details of this encounter are beautifully detailed in the beginning of surat An-Najm (52).


Prayer: God-given Gift



During this time, Allah ordered for his nation fifty daily Prayers. But on the Prophet's return, he was told by Prophet Moses (peace be on him) that his followers could not perform fifty Prayers. Thus, he went back and eventually it was reduced to five daily Prayers. After this, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) returned to Makkah on the same night itself.



Therefore, Muslims should be thankful to Allah for this gift. They should take care of it and never neglect it. It is the thing that allows the Muslim to communicate with the creator five times as day.


The speed of the animal outweigh the aircraft


This is different from human industries


This is from Allah


it's miracles


 like Stick of Moses, peace be upon him


After all these matters took place with the Prophet, he returned to the city of Makkah. Some scholars said the Prophet's journey took about one-third of the night, i.e., his journey from Makkah to Jerusalem, then to the heavens and what is above them, and then back to Makkah The next day the Prophet told the people what happened to him the previous night. The blasphemers belied the Prophet and mocked him, saying, "We need a month to get there and back, and you are claiming to have done all this in one night?"



They said to Abu Bakr, "Look at what your companion is saying. He says he went to Jerusalem and came back in one night." Abu Bakr told them, "If he said that, then he is truthful. I believe him concerning the news of the heavens--that an angel descends to him from the heavens. How could I not believe he went to Jerusalem and came back in a short period of time--when these are on earth?" At that, the Companion, Abu Bakr, was called "as-Siddiq"--because of how strongly he believed all what the Prophet said.



The blasphemous people questioned the Prophet: "If you are truthful, then describe to us Masjid al-Aqsa and its surroundings." They asked this because they knew Prophet Muhammad had never been there before the previous night. Allah enabled the Messenger to see Masjid al-Aqsa, and he described the masjid and its surroundings in exact detail. Moreover, the Prophet said, "On my way back, I saw some of your shepherds grazing their animals in a particular location. They were searching for a camel they had lost." The Prophet continued by giving the description of the camel. When these shepherds came back, they told their people what happened to them--precisely as the Prophet had already told them.



These blasphemers admitted the Prophet's description was exact. Despite that, They did  accept Islam. Only those whom Allah willed to be guided, will be guided. The person whom Allah did not will to be guided, will not believe--regardless of how much explanation or how many proofs he is shown. The person whom Allah willed to be guided, surely he will be a believer. Many people witnessed miracles and  believe










Isra and Miraj (Night Journey) - Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


يابانية تسأل لماذا تصدقون اسراء النبي من مكة الى الاقصى بليلة واحدة ؟ د ذاكر نايك Dr Zakir Naik



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modification, change of the word of God and absurdity on the prophets

Of the jurisdiction of Jews and Christians


In the Bible there are the words of God, the words of certain prophets, the words of historians, and there are even passages (stories) that a man could not read to his mother, his sister, his fiancé if she is an honest and virtuous woman. The Bible is not the word of God alone.


The Quran is there to clarify the errors and infiltrations of the other books.


Example: The death of Christ.


God will ask Jesus on Judgment Day if he told people to worship him and he will say "of course not, you know very well that I would not have done anything like that except what you ordered me to do. to do "and all this prayers and everything that is done for Jesus is useless.




the absurdities attributed to the prophets and pious men found in the "holy" bible. As a Muslim, we do not recognize this nonsense. The prophets, peace be upon them, are innocent of this gossip.


When we read the Bible, as Muslims, we come across certain absurdities such as the prophet Lot (as) who allegedly slept with his two daughters under the influence of alcohol and who became pregnant with him through incest , or David (as) who would have committed adultery with Uri's wife and would have had her husband killed to marry her then, Aaron (as) who would have made the idol of the golden calf which perverts the sons of Israel, Solomon (as) who would have ended his polytheistic life because of his wives, etc. May God preserve us from saying such nonsense about the best men who walked this earth.


Now let's see another absurdity attributed to the prophet Noah (as).


The tragic episode of Noah's nudity


We read in Genesis chapter 9, 22-23 this:


“Noah, first a farmer planted a vineyard. He drank of his wine and got drunk, and lay unclothed in the midst of his tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness, and went outside to tell his two brothers. Shem and Japheth took the blanket, spread it over their shoulders, and, walking backwards, covered their father's nakedness, but did not see it, their faces being turned. " (Translation of the French Rabbinate, Genesis 9, 20-23)


The first thing that shocks here is seeing the prophet Noah (as) getting drunk to the point of undressing while remaining unclothed "in the middle of his tent". Besides this absurdity attributed to this noble prophet, there is another ...


What to say after all this? Not much. Christians who attempt to refute the Jewish comments should be very careful because Jesus (as) allegedly said, “The scribes and Pharisees are seated in the pulpit of Moses. So do and observe whatever they tell you; but do not act according to their works. Because they say, and don't. ” (Matthew 23, 2-3).


That is, the Jews are the best able to understand their scriptures. Not to mention that they consider that the Talmud contains part of the oral Torah which was revealed to Moses (as) on Mount Sinai ... It is therefore a revelation for them.


And if Christians still want to refute this fact, then Jesus did not say: “He who does not love me does not keep my words. And the word which you hear is not mine, but of the Father who sent me. ” (John 14,24).


How the Bible was corrupted by Dr. Bart Ehrman YouTube


كيف تم تحريف الانجيل الدكتور بارت ايرمان YouTube






هل المسيح خالد؟ هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي





من هو الإله الحق؟ هاشم ومنصور في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الأول






من هو الإله الحق؟ هاشم ومنصور في حوار مع مسيحيين الجزء الثاني






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changing of the qiblah


They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. (9:32 Quran)


Whats Amazing? What is the fastest growing religion upon the planet? Go on, share some truth if you're able.


So here's some facts. To begin with the Kabah was built by Prophet Abraham long before Prophet Muhammad. Maybe your historical researchers failed to mention that?


The Prophet Muhammad (saw) didn't change the direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca, God himself did.


"The foolish among the people will say, "What has turned them away from their qiblah, which they used to face?" Say, "To Allah belongs the east and the west. He guides whom He wills to a straight path." (2:142 Quran)


While that verse mentions the changing of the qiblah (the direction of prayer) it also makes it permissible to pray in ANY direction if one doesn't know where Mecca is. Where's your saturn worship at in this case?



The qiblah was changed as a test for a believer, because a believer, unlike others, accepts the commands of God.


"And We did not make the qiblah which you used to face except that We might make evident who would follow the Messenger from who would turn back on his heels. And indeed, it is difficult except for those whom Allah has guided. (2:143 Quran)



Muslims do not worship a box in the desert, they do not worship a prophet. Muslims worship the Creator, alone without partner.

There are 2 billion Muslims on this planet. Why don't you just ask one instead of believing garbage on the internet?


Say, "Is it other than Allah that you order me to worship, O ignorant ones?" (39:64 Quran)



The Kaaba is the Qibla, i.e. the direction that Muslims face when they pray. It is important to point out that although Muslims turn towards the Kaaba to pray, they do not worship the Kaaba as such. Muslims worship only Allah and do not bow down to anyone other than Him.


Islam promotes unity

If Muslims were left free to choose the direction in which they want to pray, some would choose the north, others would choose the south, etc. In order to unite all Muslims in their worship of the One God, wherever they are, Islam asks them to all look in the same direction, i.e. that of the Kaaba. Muslims living west of the Kaaba look east, and those living east of the Kaaba look west to pray.


The Kaaba is in the center of the world map Muslims were the first to draw a world map. They first located the south in the upper part and the north in the lower part, with the Kaaba in the center. Later, western cartographers drew it the other way around, that is, with north and south located where we know them today. Nevertheless, alhamdulillah, the Kaaba has remained at the center of the world map.


Tawaf around the Kaaba

When Muslims go to the Masjid-e-Haram in Mecca, they do tawaf (they circle) around the Kaaba. This act symbolizes the belief and worship of one God; as each circle has only one center, there is also only one God (Allah) who is worthy of worship.


Muslims do not worship the black stone: Omar's hadith (may Allah be pleased with him) answers:

Regarding the black stone, al-hajar-al-aswaad, there is a hadith narrated by the illustrious companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Omar


In hadith 675 of chapter 56 of the book of Hajj found in volume 2 of Sahih Bukhari, Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I know that you are only a stone and that you cannot bring me good or bad.


People went up to the Kaaba to do adhan

During the Prophet's time, people even went up to the Kaaba to make the "adhan", or the call to prayer. To those who claim that Muslims worship the Kaaba we ask: what idolater would dare to stand on the idol he worships?



 How to know Qibla direction if you visit a new place & What if you prayed in wrong direction - Assim






س11- لماذا تركعون للكعبة ان كنتم ضد عبادة الاصنام؟ - مفاهيم خاطئة عن الاسلام - د ذاكر نايك







الدكتور ذاكر نايك - بشرى بعث النبي محمد في كتب الديانات السابقة








Change Of Qibla From Jerusalem To Kaaba By Nouman Ali



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شابات أوروبيين منبهرين بالإسلام، ولكن أصبحوا عاطفيين







المثلية هي حب! حقاً؟ هاشم يواجه فتاة زائرة | ركن المتحدثين | Hyde Park






منصّر يتدخل لإيقاف فتاة من اعتناق الإسلام بعد اقتناعها به - الجزء الأول







منصّر يتدخل لإيقاف فتاة من اعتناق الإسلام بعد اقتناعها به - الجزء الثاني والأخير





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Ramadan is a very special month for the Muslims, as in it Muslims around the world perform various types of worship, the most important of them being fasting. This fasting of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, mandatory upon all adolescents and adults who have the ability. Ramadan is also the month in which the first revelation came to the Prophet Muhammad, and thus is called the “Month of the Quran”.



God says in the Quran:

“Fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for those before you in order that you become of the God-conscious.” (Quran 2:183)


During Ramadan, Muslims try to adhere to three types of worship - three of the five pillars of the Islamic faith.


The first is Sawm, ie fasting. Throughout the month, most Muslims refrain from eating or drinking between dawn and sunset.


The second is Zakat, which is charity - they are encouraged to give 2.5% of their annual income during Ramadan.


The third is salat, which is to pray. Muslims are encouraged to pray five times a day. Traditionally, many also attend additional communal prayers, called Taraweeh, which take place every evening.


Muslims are also encouraged to read the entire Quran during the month of Ramadan. This is a time of spiritual concentration and deep contemplation.



محاضرة رمضان الجزء(1) \ د. ذاكر نايك ورقم خاص للإجابة عن أسئلتكم \Dr. Zakir Naik Ramadan Part 1






 د. ذاكر نايك ومفاجأته للمتابعين \ محاضرة رمضان الجزء(2) \Dr. Zakir Naik Ramadan  Part 2






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فتاة ايطالية معجبة بالإسلام هاشم







أمريكية مندهشة من معجزات الرسول






متحدث جديد يجذب شابات بريطانيات بأسلوبه الانيق، والدعوة الراقية






ملحد يهاجم الصهاينة في حواره مع الداعية هاشم






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