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Gay Family Relations


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I'm a straight woman with a gay sister. I recently attended a birthday party for my sister and on the rare occasion became the minority since I was the only straight person there. I kept my conversation to a minimum and mostly talked about the weather.. after a seamingly normal conversation with one of my sisters friends she asked me if I was gay or straight. I said that I'm straight...and she replied "Oh so your one of the cool ones".. another one of my sisters friends volunteered the information and said "all of my previous girlfriends were straight and I turned them gay" I couldn't beleive what I was hearing... her other friend loosly used the term "jumping the fence". Has anyone else ever experienced this while hanging out with lesbian wemon? Do you think the majority of gay wemon dislike straight wemon? Is it to the point where I can't even join in and celebrate with my sister on her birthday. I recently told my sister some of the comments I heard and advised her that I would prefer to be left out of her next get together. Please let me know if you have had the same experiences.

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