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Serving God even in opposite forces


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Serving God even in opposite forces

Strong opposite forces should be overcome


Even in the presence of strong opposite forces, you can come out of the influence of such forces, by detaching yourself from those bonds. You think that you are the body and hence, you think that all the bonds related to body are your bonds. The bond with wife or husband is related to the external body only. The bonds with the parents or the children are related to blood, which is the main part of the body only. If you analyze and realize that you are not the body but the soul, which is the nervous energy, all the worldly bonds, which are related to body only, disappear. The soul, which is a specific work form of inert energy, is beyond the materialized body and blood. The nervous energy, which is basically the all pervading inert cosmic energy, is the soul in qualitative sense. The same soul, which is a drop of cosmic energy, differs in quantitative sense only. The cosmic energy is called as Brahman, since it is the greatest created item in quantitative sense. Hence, the soul is Brahman in this line of logic.


Therefore, by identifying yourself as the soul, you become inert like the inert energy without any worldly bonds. In such case, all your worldly bonds disappear and you will be free to attach yourself to God without the competition. You become mentally stable due to absence of tensions of worldly bonds. Since the mind is related to body, you become healthy in the external body also. Therefore, you can attach to God without any disturbance and serve Him effectively to get His grace forever. Therefore, Shankara propagated the concept of soul to be identified for attaching yourself with it to come out of the influence of all the worldly bonds even while you are immersed in the ocean of such worldly bonds. Gopikas are the best examples for the philosophy of Shankara. Hanuman is out of this ocean and does not require such philosophy. Hanuman and Shankara are exceptional cases and both are incarnations of God. Gopikas are the ordinary individual souls and represent the common lot of humanity. The philosophy written by Shankara is not meant for Himself. It is only for the general lot of ordinary humanity like us.

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