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Who is the really deserving person to receive donation?


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Who is the really deserving person to receive donation?

You should approach God and not the other human beings for your needs


Who is the really deserving person? Veda says that the person not expecting anything from anybody is the most deserving receiver of your donation [Akaamahatasya]. The deserving person must have full faith in God and should believe that God will give him all the required needs of the life. He should work and earn and if something is needed beyond the scope of the work, God is going to help him in the correct moment. He need not beg other human beings, who are beggars themselves, praying God to fulfill their desires.


A beggar should not beg another beggar and should go to the house, which donated food to the other beggar. Similarly, you should approach God and not the other human beings for your needs, which are not covered by your work. In fact, a true devotee should not beg even God because God is omniscient and will act at the right time. Therefore, if one is expecting something from you, he is not a deserving person since his faith in God is not complete.


Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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