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Guest Burgandy and Gold

1658,Columbia Road Northwest

Washington, DC 20009

+1 202 232 2885




Venture 4th Fridays takes place 4th Friday of every month and welcomes poets, singers and anyone who wants to show off their work in front of a live audience. There are homeless people in the audience.


Unplugged Open Mic

Held every Friday night, this popular open mic is a great opportunity for local musicians to step out and network, all in the cozy, caffeine and sugar induced environment that is the much loved MODERN TIMES. Performances are unplugged and typically packed with some of the areas most talented and most supportive musicians – forget what you thought you knew about Open Mic's and come check it out! Hosted by Maureen Nelson of 'Whiz Bang Three' and featuring special guest performances by some of D.C.'s finest. All styles of music are welcome. Sign up is 7pm and the show starts at 7:30pm.


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