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DC Unitd Singles Night May 8th

Guest Michael Smith

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Guest Michael Smith

Ladies and Gentleman, D.C. United would like to invite you out to our Singles Night on Thursday, May 8. Whether you will be wearing a red wristband (not single) or a green wristband (single), you will have a chance to socialize with other local partygoers for two hours at our BYOB-style Pregame Tailgate Party that starts at 5:30 p.m. in Parking Lot 8.


All are encouraged to bring food and drink while the live band plays prior to D.C. United taking on the Chicago Fire at 7:30 p.m.


The party doesn't stop there -- everyone attending the tailgate will be seated together inside the stadium and all are encourage to attend the post-game party at Finn macCool's, located on 8th street.


Come for the soccer, the socializing and the chance to meet someone special!


Singles Night 2-Pack includes:


2 (two) tickets to see D.C. United take on Chicago Fire

Chance to mingle at the BYOB-style Pregame Tailgate Party Please click link below to order or call 202-587-5465.



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