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Awareness and bliss are verbal nouns and not genuine nouns


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Awareness and bliss are verbal nouns and not genuine nouns


63) Chidaanandau kriyaavaachakau na kartaarau.


(The awareness and bliss are verbal nouns and not genuine nouns)


The word chit or awareness is a noun created from verb and not actual noun. A man is noun. Walking is verb. Walk is verbal noun, indicating the verb or work only and not any entity that does the work. The root word of chit is a verb having two meanings. One is the process of knowing and the other is the process of remembering. Hence, chit or knowledge (Jnanam) is not an independent entity that does work like a man. Similarly, bliss is a noun created from the verb indicating the process of being happy and is not an independent entity to do the work.


Inert energy is called as soul or Aatman that pervades all over the body


64) Jaanaati nandati kriye kartaatvaatmaa jadashaktiratati.


(The verbs are ‘knowing’ and ‘happy’. The actual noun or entity doing the work is Aatman, which is inert energy that pervades).


You are knowing. You are happy. These two verbs give the verbal nouns, which are chit (Jnanam) and bliss (Ananda). The actual noun that does these works is human body, which is inert energy in the form of inert matter. This inert energy is called as soul or Aatman that pervades all over the body. Since awareness is also a special work of inert energy only, the inert energy pervades all the systems of the body including nervous system. All the other systems of the body are pervaded by the inert energy itself directly.


Work needs a different entity as working element or worker


65) Jnaanakriyaavaachakakartaa jada eva kriyaashrayatvaat


(Knowledge is verbal noun. The entity or actual noun doing the work of knowing can be inert only, since the work of knowing always requires a different worker, which can be inert only).


The process of knowing or knowledge is only a work and itself can never be an entity. Work needs an entity as worker or working element, which must be other than the work of knowing. Then, the worker here can be inert only and not knowledge. Since, work is knowledge and worker cannot be also knowledge, worker must be inert. Work needs a different entity as working element or worker.

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