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Puerto Ricans who are opposed to Statehood and a Congressional Vote because of fear that such would result in Congress re-instating federal income taxes on individuals have attacked the Governor of Puerto Rico as being a closet case homosexual hiding behind a marriage of convenience, and that homosexuals are behind the push for Statehood and a Congressional Vote just like DC’s closet case homosexual mayor Adrian Fenty who is hiding behind a phony marriage as is some of his closet case friends on the DC City Council.


Puerto Ricans opposed to Statehood and a Congressional Vote argue it is the homosexuals behind the push so that they can gain power to force their agenda on everybody else.


While the argument seems a bit off the hook, there is no doubting the closeted homosexuality of Governor Aníbal Acevedo-Vilá or Mayor Adrian Fenty, the gay bashing in Puerto Rico still seems to be an effective tool to beat back anything labeled GAY but most in Puerto Rico feel that any vote granted the territories will be successfully rescinded by a court challenge.


Despite gains the gay community says it is making, one has to question them in light of so many states successfully banning gay marriage in one form or another and other matters that smell gay.


Doesn't the foregoing logic fall along the same old wive's tale that if you sit on a public toilet you will catch a VD?


I ask, what next in the world of absurdity will we face?

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