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This past week, Mayor Fenty sent two detectives from the MPD to my home to politely ask me to discontinue my attacks on him and to stop circulating such around by email where his family and friends might get such as did his wife which he was very unhappy about.


The two MPD detectives rang my door bell, I invited them in, sat down at my desk, clicked a button under my desk that activated a recording device and all that was said was recorded loud and clear.


Are we now to conclude that if any of us publish on DC Watch, DC Pages, DC Wire or elsewhere any criticism of Mayor Fenty that his wife, mother, father or other family members might read that he will always send members of the MPD to first ask you nicely to stop and if we don’t, what will Fenty do next?


I’ll admit that the two detectives (one African America female and one Caucasian male) where extremely polite, seemed like they did not want to get wrapped up in this and quickly left after passing the message onto me.


Geez, Fenty could have easily sent a letter or maybe he didn’t want a record of this, and I wonder if anybody would go down and check the MPD files if they would find any CC: Misc Report filed by Mayor Fenty!




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