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Largest turnover in the DC Government

Guest Jack Evans

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Guest Jack Evans

In another two weeks, the DC residents will pick a new Mayor, Council Chair, Councilmember At-Large and Councilmembers in Wards 1, 3, 5 and 6. This election is so unique because it will represent the largest turnover in the DC Government since its inception in 1975. In addition, there will be at least three new Councilmembers (3, 5 and 6) and possibly, up to seven.


The new government taking over on January 2, 2007 faces a host of projects already on the drawing board. I have said many times that the new Mayor and Council do not need a new agenda, but rather complete the one currently laid out. Let's look at what's happening.


Schools: The new Mayor and Council must support the school system in modernizing the school facilities. I put together a $3 billion school modernization fund. Money for the schools is no longer the issue, its performance.


Public Safety: With a crime emergency in effect, the public is demanding more police officers on the streets. The DC Council has already committed to 450 extra officers and the public wants another 500. That works out to an additional $70 million in spending. The Emergency Medical Services is still in turmoil as is the 911 system.


Affordable Housing: I funded the Housing Production Trust Fund with $100 million and put another $76 million into various affordable housing programs.


Healthcare/Human Services: There will be no new DC General Hospital, but rather general healthcare centers, a much better idea. The new administration must get them built. And, don't forget the Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Administration (MRDDA) and our Human Services delivery. The issues pressing MRDDA must be addressed by the new administration immediately.


Economic Development: The new administration must complete a number of development projects. For starters, the old convention center site and the new Convention Center Hotel must get started soon. Also, the Southeast/Southwest Waterfront revitalization, the baseball stadium and the surrounding development must continue to move forward. There are at least 10 projects in the neighborhoods that are ready to go. In all of these, the DC Government's role is critical. Completion of these projects means millions of dollars of additional tax revenue. Failure to do so will set the City back.


Finances: The new Mayor who takes office on January 2, 2007 must submit to the DC Council the Fiscal Year 2008 budget by March 15. I predict there will be a slow down in the collection of commercial property taxes, the single largest source of increased revenue for our government. If so, the new Mayor and Council will be faced with making cuts to the budget or raising taxes.


I have not even mentioned libraries, recreation centers, homeless issues, the corrections department and youth violence. There is so much to be done beginning January 2, 2007. Forget all the campaign trail rhetoric and the empty promises. The question is - Who are the best people to implement the existing agenda?

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