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Washington DC Message Boards

Dc Pagan Pride Week

Guest Shea Thomas

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Guest Shea Thomas

The Fourth Annual Washington, DC Pagan Pride Day is making its debut appearance in Dupont Circle this year. Previously held at the FDR Memorial on the National Mall, this year's PPD will take place at the P Street Beach of Rockcreek Park (Near Dupont Circle - 23rd and P St NW DC) from 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday, September 18, 2004.


Sponsored by The Open Hearth Foundation, Inc. - a nonprofit Pagan community center initiative serving the DC region - the Fourth Annual PPD will feature public rituals, live music, and display tables for Pagan groups in and around the DC region.


DC Pagan Pride Day is the last event in a week's worth of Pagan events including an Interpath Service, a cauldron cook out at Greenbelt National Park, a Jewitch version of Rosh Hosanna, and the ubiquitous DC Pagans' Night Out program.


For more about the event, please see: http://www.openhearth.org/paganpride/


If you'd like to get immediate email alerts about this event and other Pagan events in the DC region, please also consider joining The Open Hearth Foundation's (low traffic) email announcement list at: http://www.openhearth.org/help/list.shtml

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