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Developing Parental Tutorial Skills and Service to Youth

Karl Rudder

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The summers months should not dismiss children from having opportunity to build on their basic academic skills. Academic games and quizzes can be used by parents and concerned adults this summer to build the basic academic studying skills of many children.

There is a national need to provide workshops for parents to build their familiarity with various studying techniques and building their tutorial skills which can be employed for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of their children.

Can your child address word problems in adding,subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers on the 6th grade level or are they able to compute whole numbers, fractions, decimals and basic percentage and basic geometry problems like an intelligent 9th grader? How well can they read and write?

I would love to see the quality of education in this country to improve to the level where it competently rewards all High School graduates who have the initiative to prepare through simulated tests to take and pass the GED test. The passing score in DC,Md, and Va is only 225 which means that a student can pass it by merely averaging 45 on each of the five tests!

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Here is a shameless plug for the Education Grants Directory, put out by the University of michigan.


Remember Karl, give it to the parents, and not the kids. Cause you know how kids are? "in one ear, out the other".







The summers months should not dismiss children from having opportunity to build on their basic academic skills. Academic games and quizzes can be used by parents and concerned adults this summer to build the basic academic studying skills of many children.

There is a national need to provide workshops for parents to build their familiarity with various studying techniques and building their tutorial skills which can be employed for their own benefit as well as for the benefit of their children.

Can your child address word problems in adding,subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers on the 6th grade level or are they able to compute whole numbers, fractions, decimals and basic percentage and basic geometry problems like an intelligent 9th grader? How well can they read and write?

I would love to see the quality of education in this country to improve to the level where it competently rewards all High School graduates who have the initiative to prepare through simulated tests to take and pass the GED test. The passing score in DC,Md, and Va is only 225 which means that a student can pass it by merely averaging 45 on each of the five tests!

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Here is a shameless plug for the Education Grants Directory, put out by the University of michigan.


Remember Karl, give it to the parents, and not the kids. Cause you know how kids are? "in one ear, out the other".




Take your time and read just the first two sentences of what I wrote in respect to developing Tutorial Services for children. Just those two sentences are all that I was talking about throughout my email.

Your advice to me of,"Remember Karl, give it to the parents, not the kids." clearly indicates that you need to slow your speed reading down. You may have read what I wrote but your response to my email has me seriously doubt you understood what I had tried to convey.

Your email ends without addressing the development of tutorial services FOR CHILDREN during the course of this coming summer. Why?

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With the amount of educational dollars out there for kids, you mean to tell me that D.C. doesn't have a program out there, or more to help the kidlets?


Take your time and read just the first two sentences of what I wrote in respect to developing Tutorial Services for children. Just those two sentences are all that I was talking about throughout my email.

Your advice to me of,"Remember Karl, give it to the parents, not the kids." clearly indicates that you need to slow your speed reading down. You may have read what I wrote but your response to my email has me seriously doubt you understood what I had tried to convey.

Your email ends without addressing the development of tutorial services FOR CHILDREN during the course of this coming summer. Why?

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With the amount of educational dollars out there for kids, you mean to tell me that D.C. doesn't have a program out there, or more to help the kidlets?


Will the millions spent by governmental bureaucrats be all you need to know about to impress you with the quality of education that we provide DC youth and adults.

Please realize that during the first 3 years that a child begins to go to school that the key objectives are at helping that child to enjoy knowing how to pay attention and developing their basic academic skills. Graduating to the 3rd grade and the 6th grade are very important academic achievements that many children are not provided due to the system having labeled them to be "slow learners". Many youth since the 1980's have become known as having "an attention disorder" or being thrown to the side due to their being found to be "emotionally disturbed." Please volunteer a little of your time to a summer school or to one of the DC Public Library academic programs this summer so your concern turns into real action that will benefit todays youth.

Besides trying to develop and provide tutorial workshops for parents this summer I am waiting to be allowed to volunteer my time as a GED Instructor at the DC Jail. I look forward to hearing your confusion if not questions about quality education to graduate into action for the benefit of DC youth and adults.

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I commend you in what you are doing in your community Karl. Education is the key to greater opportunities In no matter from which community that we come from.


In your quest for educating parents? Do you take into account the differences in how boys' learn, and how girls' learn?



Will the millions spent by governmental bureaucrats be all you need to know about to impress you with the quality of education that we provide DC youth and adults.

Please realize that during the first 3 years that a child begins to go to school that the key objectives are at helping that child to enjoy knowing how to pay attention and developing their basic academic skills. Graduating to the 3rd grade and the 6th grade are very important academic achievements that many children are not provided due to the system having labeled them to be "slow learners". Many youth since the 1980's have become known as having "an attention disorder" or being thrown to the side due to their being found to be "emotionally disturbed." Please volunteer a little of your time to a summer school or to one of the DC Public Library academic programs this summer so your concern turns into real action that will benefit todays youth.

Besides trying to develop and provide tutorial workshops for parents this summer I am waiting to be allowed to volunteer my time as a GED Instructor at the DC Jail. I look forward to hearing your confusion if not questions about quality education to graduate into action for the benefit of DC youth and adults.

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