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Dcjcc? In Adams Morgan

Court Jester

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re: Metro-access ideas: Oops! Thought I'd put that in there. We're up in Adams Morgan. And you can only take a wee one to Tryst so many times.


The Kids' Table: Yes, Tryst amuses me only so many times too.


Have you explored what's on offer at the DCJCC?


http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn? node=entertainment/profile&id=1025927&typeId=6


It's on 16th Street, an easy walk down the hill -- alternately, take a bus down 18th or 16th. They have a sports center and an art room so swimming and painting are options. Give them a ring. Also, if you need a day or two to yourself in December, when school's out, the DCJCC offers "Winter Camp." It's an excellent resource.


Of the libraries nearby, the Cleveland Park branch (corner of Connecticut and Macomb) has several programs. Call librarian Hillary Fennell (currently setting up for their Halloween party -- a GOOD sign) at your convenience and find a match for your child: 202-282-3080. -- Kate

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