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If your desire for wealth is completely destroyed, you will be successful in nivrutti.


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If your desire for wealth is completely destroyed, you will be successful in nivrutti.


The bond with money and wealth is responsible for your success in not only the spiritual path (nivrutti), but also in your worldly path (pravrutti). Your desire for money beyond the needs of yourself and your family members is responsible for the entire sin that leads to hell. Today, the society is facing chaos due to this unnecessary extra desire for wealth only. The balance of the society is disturbed only by this reason. Even the rulers of the government are running after the unnecessary accumulation of wealth only. These people are not fearing for sin and hell at all.


Therefore, if your bond with wealth is under control, which means that your desire for wealth is limited to the basic needs of your yourself and your family members only, you are successful in pravrutti and you will be rewarded with the trip to heaven for some time. If your desire for wealth is completely destroyed as in the case of Saktuprastha, you will be successful in nivrutti. Therefore, for both pravrutti and nivrutti, this wealth is important item and this is signified by the importance of Shri Chakra.


Universal Spirituality for World Peace

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