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There is no doubt across the District of Columbia that there is great dissatisfaction in Mayor Adrian Fenty and a lot of people who wished they had not voted for him seeing what he has turned out to be.


Some wish that we could roll back the hands of time and do it all over again.


Sadly, we cannot go home again, but we can begin the process of promoting a candidate who will knock Fenty on his ass in the 2010 primary and reverse the damage that Fenty has done to date and will do.


Fenty is a drug addicted.


Fenty is a wife beater.


Fenty is a slum lord.


Fenty is a mentally ill person as a normal person does not do all the rotten things he has done to voters, District employees and others who have unfortunately been on the receiving end of his mental illness.


Fenty knows that we speak the truth and that is why he has never tried to sue us in court for libel or slander as he knows we can pack a courtroom full of credible witnesses to sustain our claims against him. So rather than sue us, he has previously harassed us unsuccessfully, tried to censor us but he cannot stop the flow of the truth and the truth is, Fenty is a sick mother trucker and surrounds himself with people like him: E.g. Dan Tangherlini, Peter Nickles and others.


Just two more years and we can make Fenty just another bad dream.


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