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Unorthdox Rocks!


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I would love tell you about a band that is off the hook!

They are a band called Unorthodox and they ROCK!!!

It is all original music that has been around since the early 80's and it is truly timeless listening pleasure.

Alot of great talent!!!! There are many videos on there website. Sign on as a friend and give them your input.

They are a Black Sabbath infulenced band and still have new stuff coming out.

They are currently in the studio re-releasing some of there old stuff along with some killer new material.

I have always been a huge fan and think that you should check it out.


Unorthodox is always looking for gigs in the DC area.. B)


Look out for the new ablum called: Unseen World


Check them out:



I would love to hear what you think.

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