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‘Great Genius’ by Nostradamus


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‘Great Genius’ by Nostradamus

Knowledge of identification of a human being possessed by the unimaginable God.

Satguru alone can give such new explanation

Atmajnanam means only the knowledge of identification of the present alive human form of God

The word Guru indicates the human being that is possessed by God acting as a visible and audible medium for the sake of human beings


Unfortunately, the creator is unimaginable since He is beyond spatial dimensions. This point is elaborately spoken by the Scripture (Veda and Gita). Philosophy does not attempt the explanation of such unimaginable God because it is totally impossible. It can only give the knowledge of identification or the address of unimaginable God existing in the human being. The knowledge of unimaginable God means only the identification but not the analysis of composition of God. The human being in which God exists is as good as any other human being and science has already given the anatomy of any human being. Therefore, the human being in which God exists need not be analyzed again. The God also cannot be analyzed due to His unimaginable nature. Therefore, what remains is only the knowledge of identification of a human being possessed by the unimaginable God.


If you can catch such human incarnation of God, you can clarify all your doubts. You can serve Him and please Him to get the grace of God. Hence, the word Atmajnanam means only the knowledge of identification of the present alive human form of God. Such incarnation of God alone is satguru.


The word ‘sat’ indicates the absolute reality, which is the unimaginable God. The word Guru indicates the human being that is possessed by God acting as a visible and audible medium for the sake of human beings. Guru can explain only the already existing scripture, which answers almost all the doubts of human beings. But, sometimes a new doubt arises, which requires totally a new answer, which can be given only by Satguru. Sometimes a new way of explanation and interpretation is required to open your eyes completely regarding the truth. Satguru alone can give such new explanation. Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus, Mohammad, Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva etc., are the satgurus so far arrived. The preachings given by these Satgurus are sufficient for general humanity. But, today the intelligence has become sharper and sharper through science and technology and a new Satguru is required, called as a ‘Great Genius’ by Nostradamus. You have to find out such new Satguru, who can open your eyes completely provided you have the real interest.

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