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  1. Rove's close bonds with McCain? I think McCain harbors more disdain for Rove and Bush than anything else, after what was done to him in S. Carolina and other places in 2000. I will agree with the Jeb Bush connection, though.
  2. Hmph. I really like Mr Kerry, but I can see his window closing fast. Mr Bush was vulnerable in 04, and a more worthy opponent would have smelled blood. Can John Kerry, after being tagged (albeit unfairly) as a flip-flopper, stand up to a Jeb Bush or Condoleeza Rice campaign, especially if Karl Rove is at the helm? A lot of democrats put their guns away after the Dean campaign was sunk, and didn't fire them for Kerry.
  3. The site isn't very enthralling, btw. The anti-gov't website circuit is pretty competitive these days. Better get something fresh on there.
  4. I wonder if that is really Ken Mehlman. Sounds like something he'd say, though. Ken, do you have any other defense of the plan other than that certain polls reflect a positive view of it? What actually makes it a good idea? Private accounts sound like a good idea, if you trust the average citizen as an investor. I am a college man and still took a bath in the stock market in 2000. It's no walk in the park. Of course the public believes there is a crisis, since that is practically all Mr Bush talked about for a good few weeks. It received major news coverage from a co-operative press corps. But is it really a huge problem? I'm not an economist, so I don't know. From where I'm standing, raising the retirement age seems like a fine idea. The current age was designed in a different era, when people weren't living to be 85 and up with any regularity. If we get people working for even five years longer, we'd go a long way towards lessening the severity of this supposed crisis.
  5. Unless you are Asian...good luck picking up "Asian babes" at any of those places. If you are a white guy, you will be one of the only ones in there. The Asian girls that go to these clubs aren't going to find anything but Asian guys for the most part.
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