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  1. Well, sometimes there is no choice. You have been relocated or someone put an offer on your home and you just have to move even if Christmas time is near. The good news is that regardless of the craziness this season brings, it is possible to move in an organized way and still have time to enjoy your favorite time of year. Probably, the hardest thing about moving close to Christmas time is that you will have to leave your friends and family behind. This is something you have to accept and do not let it take control of you and your sanity. The truth is that you are not really losing anyone, just moving a little farther away. In order to help you feel more at home, put up your Christmas tree as soon as you move in, it will give you a homey feeling since it is something you brought from your previous place. Also, as soon as you’re settled, or even some weeks before, if possible, try to get to know some neighbors, volunteer at events happening around the holidays or go and knock on some doors to introduce yourself and your family. So, you are the Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner host every year? It would be good if you could ask someone else to do it this year so that you can pack and enjoy the activity at the same time without the added stress. This could be a great time to say goodbye to many friends and family, and you should be fresh and happy to enjoy it fully. Do not worry so much about Christmas shopping. The best gift you can give your loved ones is for them to see you happy and accomplished, thus, choose to spend quality time with them instead before you leave. Your time and happiness will be the most valuable gift. One thing you must do, though, is pay attention to your kids. Every move is a traumatic experience for them and it could be even worse if it happens around Christmas. Take the time to talk to them about their worries, like: will Santa know the new address? Do not just sit on your b… look for activities to stay entertained during the holidays at your new place and spend valuable time getting your home the way you like it. In this way, after the holidays, you can start inviting new friends to your beautiful home. You will take a big weight off your shoulders if you hire professional help to handle your move. Make sure you contact a Seattle moving Company capable of handling everything in an organized and safe manner, so that you know your valuables are taken care of in the best way possible. In the end, it is all about putting things into perspective. There is always a way to do everything in a calm and organized way while enjoying your traditions and loved ones. And the best part is, next year you will have the opportunity to enjoy new traditions, with new and old friends, with your family, and with the feeling of accomplishment that brings moving ahead in your life. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source). Rachel Clarkson Seattle moving Company
  2. A move is seen, by child development professionals, as one of the most unsettling happenings in a kid’s life. The manner in which a child responds to changing homes depends on several aspects, like personality, closeness to friends, and the reasons for the move. Several studies have shown that the parents are in the best place to offer the needed support to help their children be happy regardless of any move. The approach of the parents to the move normally affects the child. If the parents are sad about it, the child’s reaction will be a negative one. On the contrary, if the parents are happy about it and talk about great expectations, the child will too. Normally, younger children are better at accepting big changes; children in their teens will have a rough time because the identity crisis that they normally experience during these years is deepened by the loss of their friends. In order to make it easier on everyone, but especially on your children, talk openly to them about the move. Tell them what they can expect, what their new neighborhood is like and how to make new friends. If possible, take them there before moving, so that they can experience the place for themselves and feel like an important part of the decision. You can let your children choose their bedrooms and think of how they are going to decorate them, give them packing and labeling responsibilities, and let them meet the movers in Seattle, so that they feel useful. After you move, pay attention to your children’s games and playing routines, these will help you identify their needs. If they are talking to friends, pets or dolls, they could be worried or fearful, thus, assure them that their normal activities will still be there and open the doors for communication. Look for similarities between the old place and the new one, not only between the houses, but also between neighborhood and town. Go to the child’s new school with him or her before the first day. Go into the classroom and meet the teacher, encourage your child to play with a classmate before starting school and do not create false expectations about how cool the new school is. Let your child experience it for himself, but always show optimism and encouragement. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source). Rachel Clarkson Movers in Seattle
  3. A move is seen, by child development professionals, as one of the most unsettling happenings in a kid’s life. The manner in which a child responds to changing homes depends on several aspects, like personality, closeness to friends, and the reasons for the move. Several studies have shown that the parents are in the best place to offer the needed support to help their children be happy regardless of any move. The approach of the parents to the move normally affects the child. If the parents are sad about it, the child’s reaction will be a negative one. On the contrary, if the parents are happy about it and talk about great expectations, the child will too. Normally, younger children are better at accepting big changes; children in their teens will have a rough time because the identity crisis that they normally experience during these years is deepened by the loss of their friends. In order to make it easier on everyone, but especially on your children, talk openly to them about the move. Tell them what they can expect, what their new neighborhood is like and how to make new friends. If possible, take them there before moving, so that they can experience the place for themselves and feel like an important part of the decision. You can let your children choose their bedrooms and think of how they are going to decorate them, give them packing and labeling responsibilities, and let them meet the movers in Seattle, so that they feel useful. After you move, pay attention to your children’s games and playing routines, these will help you identify their needs. If they are talking to friends, pets or dolls, they could be worried or fearful, thus, assure them that their normal activities will still be there and open the doors for communication. Look for similarities between the old place and the new one, not only between the houses, but also between neighborhood and town. Go to the child’s new school with him or her before the first day. Go into the classroom and meet the teacher, encourage your child to play with a classmate before starting school and do not create false expectations about how cool the new school is. Let your child experience it for himself, but always show optimism and encouragement. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source). Rachel Clarkson Movers in Seattle
  4. It is not only you who is moving this year. Thousands or even millions of people who change homes or offices every year join you, and thus, it is only logical to try to reduce waste as much as possible when moving. It has been determined that each person produces around 1580 pounds of waste per year, most of it, some 602 pounds, are in the form of paper and paperboard, 149 pounds are plastic, 58 pounds are textiles, and 82 pounds are wood. Even though it is believed that America is recycling almost 30% of the waste produced, the amount of waste generated is increasing every single year, and, although recycling has grown in general, there is a marked growth of the recycling of certain materials like paper, plastic soft drink bottles, aluminum cans, steel packaging and major appliances. In order to help the growing and crucial recycling efforts, here are several ideas to help you reduce waste when moving to a new home or office: 1. Avoid buying new boxes, and instead, save old ones. Find leftover boxes from local shops or neighbors. 2. If you can’t find old boxes, use corrugated ones made out of recycled materials. 3. Recycle every box after you have used it. 4. Use your luggage and handbags to pack your clothes, linens, and bathroom items. 5. Ask the Movers in Seattle about renting reusable storage crates. These last many years and are recyclable. 6. Wrap up fragile things in old newspapers. 7. Select eco-friendly packing materials like cushioning peanuts made of biodegradable cornstarch and bubble wrap containing recycled plastic. Always recycle these materials after utilizing them. 8. Make sure you dispose appropriately of non-recyclable materials like cleaners, paints, and car supplies before you move. Find the correct way to get rid of them. 9. When possible, use recycled paint for house projects. 10. Make a garage sale before you move to get rid of things you don’t need or want but are in good condition. 11. Donate whatever you think can be used and appreciated by others. After you move, find out about recycling programs in the community and join it. Also, start buying only recyclable products and items that can be repaired and used for a long time. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source). Rachel Clarkson Seattle Movers
  5. There is great excitement when you are going to move to a new home. Despite the crazyness of the packing and planning with the Seattle Moving Company, the idea of a new place or even a new life puts a smile in most faces and a shine in most hearts. And it can get even better, because it can put good money in most pockets too! Moving time is a great time for a garage sale. It is the perfect time to get rid of what is not useful anymore, to make room for all the new that will be coming along with your new home. If you are moving into a smaller place, a garage sale IS a necessity, as well as if you are a fan of season sales; there is only so much room between four walls. So there you go. If you want to get rid of unused clothes, old toys, unecessary furniture, and other belongings that are truly in your way, think garage sale. You can always buy new stuff with the money you make, or even better, you can save it! Although there is endless information in books, magazines, the web, and even from experienced friends, on how to run a successful garage sale, here we show you the best tips to fill your pockets with money: 1. Check with local authorities the restrictions for garage sales. 2. Invest some money on advertising in local newspapers, ad bulletin boards, and shoppers guides. Post it online also. 3. Ask other neighbors to join you, you can share costs and attract more buyers due to the amount of items on sale. 4. Mark the way with flashy signs with arrows showing the way to your house. 5. Define sale hours and avoid holiday weekends, no one will be home. 6. Be prepared for customers who arrive too early. 7. Set attractive prices and be ready to bargain. 8. Put a price tag on every item and group items by price. You can also use colors to differentiate prices. 9. Clean the items before the sale, to make them more desirable. 10. Put the clothes on racks for easy viewing and check the pockets beforehand! 11. Put similar items, or things that complement each other, together; it may get you more sales. 12. Have plenty of change in hand. 13. Be careful with the money; have it locked up in a box or wear a fanny pack. 14. Offer bags for the customers who buy and paper to wrap the china. 15. Remove all signs after the sale is over. 16. Give to charity whatever is left; it will make you feel really good! If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source.) Rachel Clarkson Seattle Moving Company
  6. There is a very simple answer to that question: there is never ‘too much’ when talking about safety after a move. After the not-so-much-fun part of the move is over, and the movers in Seattle are gone, you just want to relax and enjoy your new home in the company of your family and friends, however, there is one more thing you must take care of, and it is to make sure your loved ones are completely safe in the new nest. Keep them safe from what, you say? How about potential fires, carbon monoxide poisoning and burglars? Yes, believe it or not, these are more than common hazards that afflict thousands of moving families across America. Fire alone, kills more than 3,000 people per year in their homes, and more than 350,000 residential fires are attended by fire departments. So, first things first: 1. As soon as you move, put new batteries in the smoke alarm devices and ensure they are working OK. Monthly maintenance is key! 2. Work on an evacuation plan after carefully studying the floor plan, and identify the safest areas. 3. Install a carbon monoxide detector if there is none. It is a great risk in the presence of furnaces, ranges, and water and room heaters. Symptoms are similar to those associated with the common flu: headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness and difficulty breathing. 4. Get someone to inspect the heating system for blockages, corrosion and disconnections. 5. Install all appliances following the manufacturer’s instructions and local building codes. 6. Make it a habit to lock all doors and windows while you are away and during the night. Many, out of the more than a million burglaries that happen each year, are avoidable, but it has been confirmed that homeowners do not know how to keep their homes safe: - Do not place valuables in front of windows, where they will be seen by people walking by. - Ensure every door and window has a lock. For doors, get deadbolt locks with a one-inch throw and reinforced strike plate. - Sliding doors should be secured with a metal rod in the track to prevent forced opening. - Always lock the attached garage. - Get a good outdoor lighting system. - Trim the shrubs near the entrance so that there is no place for burglars to hide. - Inquire if the neighborhood has a community watch program; if yes, join it; if not, encourage neighbors to start one. - Install an alarm; it has proven very useful to discourage crime and give peace of mind to homeowners. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source. Rachel Clarkson Seattle Movers
  7. If you are planning on doing the packing yourself for an upcoming move, or even doing the move yourself, be sure to ask your moving company for the supplies you need. There is no longer any need to scour the local grocery store for boxes to pack up your household goods. Moving companies now offer a great selection of supplies to make packing up your home easy and efficient. Here are some of the basics you’ll want to have on hand: Boxes are the most obvious thing you need, but be sure to take time to think about the sizes and shapes you need. Moving companies have specialty boxes for clothing, china, mirrors and artwork, lamps and even wardrobes where your clothes can be packed on hanging rods. Keep in mind that the more uniform your box size, the easier they will be able to load into your truck or van. Remember to pack heavy items such as books in smaller boxes that are easier to carry. Packing tape will be necessary for forming your boxes as they will be purchased flat, and also for sealing your boxes once filled. A tape dispenser that applies and cuts the tape in one step makes this job a lot easier and can also be purchased from your moving company. A small cutting knife is handy to have as well for opening the boxes when it’s time to unpack and for collapsing them again once they have been emptied. Carton markers to identify what is in each box will make both loading the moving van and the unpacking process a lot easier. You may also be able to buy pre-printed labels from your moving company for fragile items. Bubble wrap and newsprint for packing fragile items is available in rolls and sheets. There is nothing worse than arriving at your new home with broken dishes, so it’s important to wrap everything well. For some items that you really can’t wrap, Styrofoam packaging peanuts can be purchased in large bags to pack in and around large loose items. Mattress and furniture covers can also be purchased to keep things nice and clean and prevent any rips or tears during loading and unloading. You should also have some moving pads or blankets available for placing between pieces of furniture to prevent dents and scratches. If you would rather not use blankets of your own, they can be purchased or sometimes rented from your Seattle moving company. This should just about cover anything you need to pack up your house for a smooth and accident free move. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source). Rachel Clarkson Seattle movers
  8. While you are checking lists and packing to move to your dream home, you must remember to pay special attention to your desktop computer, and ensure the movers in Seattle do too. If you fail to pack it appropriately, your computer may suffer mechanical failure or be damaged due to physical hits during transportation. That’s something you don’t want to see happen if you depend on it for work or home organization activities. In order to ensure your computer is moved safely, follow these tips: - Transfer copies of all of your files into an external hard drive. Pack the hard drive safely into a computer case or other place where it will not be stepped on or hit. - Park the hard disk. You must make sure nothing is working before you move the computer to avoid the possibility of shock. The parking procedure works differently according to the type of computer, so make sure you find out how it is done for yours. The hard disk will go back to work once you turn on the computer again. Next, turn off the system and remove the cables from the back. Write down which cable goes where. - If possible, pack the computer in the original package. It is specially designed to hold it safely, but if you do not have it anymore, find a strong box that can fit it and get good packing materials. - Look after the printer. Use the original box to pack it, if possible. If it happens to be a laser printer, remove the ink cartridge to avoid spilling and contamination. If it is a pin printer, put a piece of paper in the platen to secure the head. - Cover the monitor very well with bubble wrap, cushions or cloth. Since it is made out of glass, it can easily be scratched or broken. - Place the CPU standing up or on its side, with the motherboard flat on the bottom, otherwise, the interior cards will go loose and you will require technical assistance to make it work again. - If you have any doubts or questions about the best way to move your computer, contact the technical manufacturer’s department, browse the Internet to find the exact specifications to transport it, or simply consult your Seattle moving company. If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention PSMoving as the original source. Rachel Clarkson Seattle Movers
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